OpenTerminal Platform

OpenTerminal Platform

Make your payment app interoperable with the OpenTerminal and 3rd party payment services. 


Crossover Payment Service

We are preparing the OpenTerminal Platform, which makes your payment app interoperable with the OpenTerminal and 3rd party payment services.

By joining our OpenTerminal Platform, you can extend your app like a crossover payment app.  


Free to use with OpenTerminal

We allow you to use the Card library in OpenTerminal SDK free of charge when you make your payment app interoperate with the OpenTerminal.

By applying to be  an OpenTerminal Platform Partner, you can extend your payment app to work with OpenTerminal.


Become an initial member of the OpenTerminal Platform

We are developing a new payment environment that verifies the payee  to the payer automatically before initiating a transaction.  We expect that this new payment environment is beneficial for open banking service providers and cryptocurrency companies, which ask their users to check and type a payee’s ID or account information carefully. 

We are preparing to extend our OpenTerminal Platform APIs with our initial members.  Become an initial member to properly integrate the OpenTerminal platform with your payment service.


OpenTerminal Platform Flow

If you apply the card library in the OpenTerminal Platform on your payer’s app, the payer’s mobile phone will be able to recognize the OpenTerminal signal automatically. When the payer’s mobile app recognizes the OpenTerminal signal, it sends the OpenTerminal ID and code to your payment service server. Additionally, your payment server resends the OpenTerminal ID and code to the OpenTerminal Platform and returns the merchant’s information from OpenTerminal.  

After receiving the merchant’s information on the payer’s mobile, the payer can verify the information and make a payment to the merchant’s OpenTerminal by tapping their smartphone. When you create your payment app with the OpenTerminal Platform, it will become a crossover payment app.  

Besides verifying the merchant’s information and initiating a payment by tapping, your payment service can authenticate the payer with the OpenTerminal Platform including the FIDO based biometric technology.


Who uses it and why?

The OpenTerminal Platform is good for fintech service providers that want to provide a crossover payment service interoperable with other services.

For instance, It makes your users continue to use your app when they pay someone who uses another service.

By joining your fintech service into the OpenTerminal platform, you can extend your service coverage to the OpenTerminal at first, and any third party service later.  This keeps your user in your app. Besides the service coverage, it gives a new in-person payment UX to your users and allows them to verify the payee on their phone before starting a payment.

We are planning to develop the OpenTerminal Platform after finding a sufficient partner in each country.  Openbanking and cryptocurrency service providers are welcome to join our platform.